Булевтерионът на Сердика
The bouleuterion of Serdica
Serdica, bouleuterion, architecture, chronologyAbstract
The article offers a critical overview of the discussion concerning the chronological periods of the bouleuterion in Serdica. The building has been studied several times by different scholars, each proposing their own view on the architectural changes and chronology of the council house. A thorough analysis of the published archaeological data suggests five chronological periods in the history of the bouleuterion in Serdica. The first building has small dimensions and probably mud-brick walls and wooden benches along the walls. It is built most probably in the second third of the 2nd century AD and destroyed in AD 170 during the Costoboc’s raids. The next building is rebuilt over the foundations of the earlier one in the end of the 2nd – beginning of the 3rd century AD. The new bouleuterion has more solid walls and probably a stone-mason cavea inside. The third building could be dated to the end of the 3rd century AD. It is larger, with thick walls in opus mixtum. The seats inside are supported by cavea built in opus mixtum. The fourth period takes place during the initial decades of the 4th century AD. The need of more places for the increased number of councilors resulted in a new elaborate construction of the cavea. The last period should be placed after the beginning of the 5th century AD. The cavea is partly or entirely demolished and the building is remodeled with new architectural additions. At that time the bouleuterion most probably had already lost its original function and is used for different purposes.
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