Булевтерионът на Serdica – за пореден (вероятно не последен) път

The bouleuterion of Serdica – for yet another (probably not the last) time


  • Ventzislav Dintchev Department of Classical Archaeology, National Institute of Archaeology with Museum, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2 Saborna Str., 1000 Sofia




Serdica, bouleuterion, Roman city, architecture


The bouleuterion is the main edifice in the complex of any ancient city square (agora/forum). The bouleuterion of Serdica is the only studied and definitely identified edifice in the complex of the local central square. Its chronology and characteristics have been debated by various researchers. The construction of its known edifice can be attributed to the last quarter of the 2nd c. AD. It was erected on top of an earlier building, probably with the same purpose. The known edifice was substantially reconstructed at the end of the 3rd c. AD. Its use as a bouleuterion has ended in the period between the end of the 4th and the middle of the 5th c. AD The poorly preserved remains and the extreme circumstances of their study in the 1950s are the reasons why almost all basic questions about their characterization today can be answered in the form of probabilities, as hypotheses. Although hypothetical, our analysis should be based on the facts and documentation available in the primary publication, following an objective, but also correct attitude towards them.


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How to Cite

Dintchev, V. . (2024) “Булевтерионът на Serdica – за пореден (вероятно не последен) път: The bouleuterion of Serdica – for yet another (probably not the last) time”, Bulgarian e-Journal of Archaeology | Българско е-Списание за Археология, 14(1), pp. 113–140. doi: 10.57573/be-ja.14.113-140.


