Нови перспективи пред археологията: археометричен анализ на предмети от медни сплави от VIII-III в. пр. Хр. от територията на югоизточна България

New prospects for archaeology: Аrchaeometric analysis of objects of copper based alloys from the 8th–3rd century BC in southeastern Bulgaria


  • Miglena Vasileva “We and The Ancient World” foundation, 34A Neofit Rilski Street, 1000 Sofia


Ancient Thrace, Bronze vessels, ICP-AES, Tin Bronze, Lead Bronze, Brass, Cluster Analysis


The paper presents the ICP-AES analysis of thirty-three artifacts made of copper alloys (tin bronze, lead bronze and brass) – adornments, vessels, weapons and several plates, strips and sticks gathered in the category “others”. They are found in southeastern Bulgaria and dated between the 8th and the 3rd century BC. The trend for targeted selection of alloys according to the way of working and the function of items are discussed, as well as some features of technology. The composition of all samples is compared with cluster analysis. The clusters and the data for local production of some artifacts like jewels, helmets, horse-harness appliqués etc. admit the presumption that part of bronze vessels found in ancient Thrace could be local as well.


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How to Cite

Vasileva, M. (2015) “Нови перспективи пред археологията: археометричен анализ на предмети от медни сплави от VIII-III в. пр. Хр. от територията на югоизточна България: New prospects for archaeology: Аrchaeometric analysis of objects of copper based alloys from the 8th–3rd century BC in southeastern Bulgaria”, Bulgarian e-Journal of Archaeology | Българско е-Списание за Археология, 5(2), pp. 137–161. Available at: https://be-ja.org/index.php/journal/article/view/be-ja-5-2-2015-137-161 (Accessed: 16 September 2024).


