Клинове с производствени печати на Stabilimento Tecnico Triestino от корабокрушението в залива Св. Никола, Черноморец, България

Spikes with production stamps of Stabilimento Tecnico Triestino from the Saint Nicholas Bay shipwreck, Chernomorets, Bulgaria





Production stamps, fastenings, shipwreck, Chernomorets, Austria-Hungary


With this text I am publishing three identical brass spikes with production stamps, from the hull of the Saint Nicholas Bay Shipwreck (SNBS). While identical, the stamps were illegible to the naked eye. By deciphering one of them, we were able to establish that they relay the name of the largest Austro-Hungarian private shipyard of the ‘Long nineteenth century,’ the Technical Establishment of Trieste (Stabilimento Tecnico Triestino, 1857–1929). The production stamps provided the latest terminus post quem for the formation of the archaeological site in Saint Nicholas Bay and a tangible link between the historic ship, as presented in the archaeological record, and the Austro-Hungarian coast of the Adriatic Sea. This paper summarises the archaeology of the SNBS, discusses the fastening system of its wooden hull, analyses the three artefacts and assesses their significance for the interpretation of the underwater archaeological site.


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How to Cite

Garbov, D. (2023) “Клинове с производствени печати на Stabilimento Tecnico Triestino от корабокрушението в залива Св. Никола, Черноморец, България: Spikes with production stamps of Stabilimento Tecnico Triestino from the Saint Nicholas Bay shipwreck, Chernomorets, Bulgaria ”, Bulgarian e-Journal of Archaeology | Българско е-Списание за Археология, 13(2), pp. 273–289. doi: 10.57573/be-ja.13.273-289.


