Thracian silver jewellery from the 4th c. BC: investigations on objects from the collection of the Roman–Germanic Central Museum, Leibniz Research Institute for Archaeology
Silver jewellery, Thracian, Bracelet, Fibulae, Bukyovtsi TypeAbstract
In 2021, eight Thracian silver objects came to my attention during a research stay at the Roman-Germanic Central Museum, Leibniz Research Institute for Archaeology (RGCM) Mainz, Germany, which have been ignored by the scientific community so far. The presented silver convolute, which forms part of the collection of the RGCM, consist of two bracelets, three fibulae and three hemispherical fragments. As the archaeological context is missing, the objects had been analysed and placed in a chronological and geographical context with other objects of this kind. It was established that the three fibulae belong to the Bukyovtsi Type. The bracelets have strong similarities with pieces from several hoards in north-western and central Bulgaria, for example from Vladinya (Lovech region) or Granitovo (Belogradchik region). Due to the stylistic features of the objects, they can be dated to the second half of the 4th century BC.
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