Рецензия на статия: Stanimira Taneva. On the Middle Paleolithic Leaf Points from Bulgaria (South East Europe). In Dobrescu, R., Boroneanţ, A., Doboş, A. (eds) Scripta Praehistorica. Miscellanea in honorem Mariae Bitiri Dicata. MCA Serie Nouă, Supplementum

Paper review: Stanimira Taneva. On the Middle Paleolithic Leaf Points from Bulgaria (South East Europe). In Dobrescu, R., Boroneanţ, A., Doboş, A. (eds) Scripta Praehistorica. Miscellanea in honorem Mariae Bitiri Dicata. MCA Serie Nouă, Supplementum 1. 2021, 85–104. Târgovişte: Editura cetatea de scaun


  • Stefanka Ivanova Department of Prehistory, National Archaeological Institute with Museum, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2 Saborna Str., 1000 Sofia


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How to Cite

Ivanova, S. (2022) “Рецензия на статия: Stanimira Taneva. On the Middle Paleolithic Leaf Points from Bulgaria (South East Europe). In Dobrescu, R., Boroneanţ, A., Doboş, A. (eds) Scripta Praehistorica. Miscellanea in honorem Mariae Bitiri Dicata. MCA Serie Nouă, Supplementum: Paper review: Stanimira Taneva. On the Middle Paleolithic Leaf Points from Bulgaria (South East Europe). In Dobrescu, R., Boroneanţ, A., Doboş, A. (eds) Scripta Praehistorica. Miscellanea in honorem Mariae Bitiri Dicata. MCA Serie Nouă, Supplementum 1. 2021, 85–104. Târgovişte: Editura cetatea de scaun”, Bulgarian e-Journal of Archaeology | Българско е-Списание за Археология, 12(1), pp. 177–181. Available at: https://be-ja.org/index.php/journal/article/view/268 (Accessed: 18 January 2025).


