Археозоологичните изследвания на средновековни комплекси от България – състояние на проучванията и тенденции
The archaeozoological research of medieval complexes in Bulgaria - state of studies and trends
zooarchaeology, faunal analysis, Medieval animals, husbandry practicesAbstract
This research consists of a detailed bibliographical analysis of published faunal assemblages from the Medieval period (7–14th c. A.D.) in Bulgaria. It compares the main domestic taxa and their variations in frequency between the different types of settlements (fortresses, villages), as it shows that while there are similarities between certain sites, there is no unified pattern. The available metric, age, and taphonomy data are systemized, as they can be used for future comparisons. A review is given of the data regarding the wild species and the presence of extinct animals (lynx, aurochs, etc.). The data regarding the ritual deposition of parts of complete animal skeletons within early Medieval pagan necropolises is assessed separately, as it offers us some information on the role of animals within the religious beliefs of the population. The idea of this review is to serve as a compilation of our current data on the different roles of animals in the Medieval period and can be used to further address new questions when conducting zooarchaeological analysis of new assemblages.
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